Privacy Policy

Home Privacy Policy

Introduction AMYKAS ("we," "our," or "AMYKAS") is dedicated to respecting AMYKAS privacy of all persons whose personal information we handle. Please read AMYKAS Privacy Policy below, which describes how we use and safeguard your personal information. This Privacy Policy applies to all of our services and websites (including web-based services) that provide a link to this policy (AMYKAS "Sites"). This policy should be read in conjunction with and construed in accordance with our General Terms and any Additional Terms, which may be found on our Websites at AMYKAS data controller is AMYKAS 32 GReen ford Road ST6 1NX, United Kingdom, for AMYKAS purposes of AMYKAS Data Protection Act 2018, AMYKAS EU General Data Protection Regulation (AMYKAS "GDPR"), and any replacement legislation following AMYKAS end of AMYKAS Brexit Implementation period (per AMYKAS European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Act 2020) (collectively, AMYKAS "Data Protection Legislation"). We value your privacy and are dedicated to keeping your information private. We have notified AMYKAS United Kingdom's Information Commissioner's Office, to AMYKAS degree required by law, that we will treat your personal information in compliance with Data Protection Legislation (as defined above). You consent to AMYKAS processing of your personal information in line with this Privacy Policy and our Cookies Policy if you provide us with any information about yourself (including via AMYKAS Websites). This Privacy Statement addresses AMYKAS following: 1. What personal information we collect about you and how we collect it 2. How do we make use of AMYKAS information we collect about you? 3. Third-party recipients of personal information 4. AMYKAS legal basis on which we collect and use your personal information is as follows: 5. Data retention, data security, and personal data transfers beyond AMYKAS European Economic Area are all concerns (EEA) 6. Your legal responsibilities 7. Personal information can be accessed and updated. 8. How to unsubscribe from email notifications 9. Our Privacy Policy has been revised. 10. Information about AMYKAS Law and Contacts 1. What personal information about you we collect and how do we collect it? We only have access to information that you supply to us directly. We collect personal information from you anytime you contact us and give us with information that allows us to identify you, such as when you call, email, or sign up to utilise one of our services. We collect information about you specifically when you register and create a user account on any of our Websites, post content on any of our Websites, register for an event, enter your details into a form, upload your CV, purchase a product from us (such as through AMYKAS Store), subscribe to receive a product or service that we offer (for example, a magazine subscription), subscribe to receive email updates from us, participate in a contest or market analysis, and e-mail us. We also obtain information on the methods of payment you use for any transactions you do with us. Personal information contained in content uploaded by you If you publish personal information in any of our public forums, that information is immediately made available to other users all over AMYKAS organisation, who may use it to send you unwanted emails. When you publish material to AMYKAS Websites, we may display pseudonyms that identify you as a user but not your real personal information (your username, for example) to allow users to identify one other. Personal information gaAMYKASred from public sources We compile and maintain an academic registry. This information will include your name and email address. Data is gathered from open sources. This information is used for market research by us, or AMYKAS group companies, or on behalf of our clients. If your data is used by AMYKAS group businesses, we will guarantee that data sharing agreements are in place to ensure AMYKAS security and proper use of your data. We will not share your personal information with companies outside of AMYKAS organisation. Data that we regularly acquire (including use of "cookies") We automatically collect a small amount of information about your visits to our Websites. This covers demographic information as well as browsing habits. Your IP address (which identifies AMYKAS computer or device that you use to access AMYKAS Sites); AMYKAS time and date of your visit; browser; operating system; internet connection data; and a breakdown of your travel around our Websites and items that you looked for are all automatically received. This information is used to create marketing and usage profiles, to help in strategic development, to manage our relationships with advertisers, and to audit Website usage. Application of Cookies We obtain this information primarily through AMYKAS use of cookies. A cookie is a little piece of data provided by a web server to a web browser that allows AMYKAS server to gather information from AMYKAS browser. Our use of cookies may also allow registered users to see a personalised version of AMYKAS Websites. Our Websites employ ad servers to provide AMYKAS adverts you see on our Websites' pages. That partner employs cookies to gather information about your usage of our Websites in order to better tailor advertisements to your interests. To learn more about AMYKAS use of cookies, information-gathering policies, and advertisement opt-out processes. Please be aware that if you disable cookies, some services on our Websites may become unavailable. Your browser can be adjusted to accept all cookies, refuse all cookies, or inform you when a cookie is stored. Because each browser is different, consult AMYKAS "Help" menu to understand how to adjust your cookie choices. If you reject all cookies, you will be unable to utilise goods or services that need you to "sign in," and you may not be able to fully benefit from or use all of our Websites. Information obtained from third parties AMYKAS's third-party partners may give us with information about you. It is AMYKAS third party's obligation to ensure that they have gotten your permission to do so. However, if feasible, we will request that our partners grant us permission to share this information. 2. The legal basis on which we acquire and use your personal information Top Data Protection Legislation requires that any personal information be used only when AMYKAS is a legal basis for doing so. AMYKAS legitimately collects and uses your personal information on one or more of AMYKAS following grounds: The data is required for the fulfilment of our contract with you (i.e. to deliver our services to you); We use your personal details when we believe it is in our legitimate interests to do so. We are required by law to process your personal information. You have given us permission to use your personal details. What we do with your personal information We will use your personal information to deliver our Services to you and to allow you to access the Websites, including the following: 2.1 Contractual Fulfilment When it is essential to fulfil or enter into a contract with you, we shall use your personal information for the following purposes: To verify your identity and manage your AMYKAS account(s), To respond to your questions and requests; To handle any orders for services or products purchased from us; If you are applying for a job, you should disclose this information with recruiting agencies. To share your personal information with third parties only if you specifically request it; When you have opted in to being contacted about such services, we will contact you with employment opportunity services that we feel may be relevant to you. To give you Job Alerts if you have subscribed to this service. To keep you up to speed on the latest changes on the Websites; To provide you access to a third-party product or service through your AMYKAS account(s); To offer access to gated material that we have published on our website; On your request, we will enter you into competitions or prize drawings; To contact you and examine concerns or complaints about content you posted on our Websites. To enable our data processors (such as our group businesses and hosting providers) to offer you with the services (or components thereof) that you have requested; When we offer you with a product or service and that service is transferred to a third-party organisation to guarantee that you continue to get that service. We will only disclose your personal information with chosen third parties if you have given us your explicit approval. 2.2 Justifiable Interest We may utilise your personal information if we have a genuine business need to do so. These justifiable interests are as follows: To tailor some features of our services to you; Conducting market research or surveys about our products and services; For marketing and strategic development goals, such as identifying use trends; To enable our data processors (such as our group businesses and hosting providers) to offer you with the services (or components thereof) that you have requested; To promote our products and services to you in connection with your position at a company. In order to maintain accurate company records; To analyse and provide statistical reports based on the services we offer and our success in providing those services, including the sales of insights data but not the sale of any personally identifiable information; To allow you to continue using a product or service in the event that it is transferred to a third-party organisation; To investigate any alleged or actual usage of our platform for discriminatory behaviour, including, but not limited to, discrimination based on age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender or gender reassignment, nationality, handicap, religion, or belief. 2.3 Legal Responsibilities We will use your personal information where we are required to do so by law, which includes: For the purposes of financial reporting and auditing, Where you work with us or where we position you; Prevention, detection, and reporting of anti-money laundering or fraud; For the discovery and reporting of copyright ownership claims; To capture and keep records relating to complaints regarding content you have posted to our Websites, if needed. To investigate any alleged or actual usage of our platform for discriminatory behaviour, including, but not limited to, discrimination based on age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender or gender reassignment, nationality, handicap, religion, or belief. To keep track of all actions made on your account. 2.4 Acceptance We will only use your personal information with your permission: To supply you with direct marketing information about the products and services we offer; Where you have given us permission, we will also use and disclose your personal information to allow third parties to contact you about services offered in conjunction with us or services that they provide. It is your duty to ensure that any information given during the registration process for your user account or as part of an application to a job posting is correct and up to date. 3. Personal information shared with other parties We occasionally need to share your personal information with other companies in the THE group in order to deliver the services offered on our Websites. When this occurs, however, we will continue to be responsible for the use and security of your personal data. 4. AMYKAS data processors We may also share your personal information with third-party processors or suppliers we hire to perform services to us and/or to support our offering to you (such as our hosting providers). To provide these services, these third parties may need to process your personal information on our behalf. In such cases, we take great effort to select only reputable third parties that can guarantee the protection of your personal information as well as our business information. For example, we require each such third party to fill out an information security questionnaire to confirm that their methods and processes offer the degree of security that we would expect (and that is required by law) when processing personal information. 5. Third parties with whom we disclose your personal information We will share your personal information with other third parties if you have given us your approval (who will also be data controllers in respect of the information that we share). If you have any concerns regarding a third party's handling of your personal information, you should contact that institution. 6. Other instances in which your personal information may be used or shared We may be forced by law to disclose your personal information to third parties such as government entities, law enforcement agencies, and data protection authorities in certain situations. 7. Data retention, data security, and personal data transfers outside the European Economic Area (EEA). We take precautions to safeguard your personal information against unauthorised access, unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction, and damage. We will only store your personal information for as long as we legitimately need it and, in any case, for as long as Data Protection Legislation permits. However, information transfer via the internet is not totally secure. Although we will take precautions to secure your personal information, we cannot guarantee the security of data provided by email or our website; any transfer is at your own risk. Wherever feasible, the personal information we gather from you will be stored and processed inside the EEA. In certain cases, we may need third parties situated outside of the EEA to process, host, or keep your personal information, and by providing your personal information to us, you agree to this transfer, storage, or processing. Please keep in mind that countries outside the EEA may not have the same level of data protection laws as those inside the EEA. If your personal information is moved, stored, or processed outside of the EEA, we will take all reasonable efforts to ensure that it is treated securely and in compliance with this Privacy Policy and the Data Protection Legislation. This means that we will only allow third parties to access your personal information if those third parties (a) are in countries that have been confirmed by the European Commission to provide adequate protection to personal information; or (b) have agreed to provide all protections to your personal information as set out in Data Protection Legislation (for example, by entering into the European Commission's Model Clauses). 8: Your rights If you have any questions or complaints about how we utilise your information, please contact us using the information provided in section 10 below. If you have any concerns or questions, you have the right to contact the Information Commissioner's Office. 9. Getting access to and amending your personal details You have the right to inspect the personal information we hold about you and to request that we: (a) make any changes necessary to ensure that any personal information we hold about you is accurate and up to date; (b) erase or cease processing any personal information we hold about you where there is no longer a legal basis for us to do so; or (c) transfer any information we hold about you to a specified third party. If you desire to do so, please contact us using the information provided below. 10. How to unsubscribe from email notifications If you have chosen to receive information about our products or services, as well as products or services offered jointly with or on behalf of other organisations, and/or "alerts" from us via email (for example, by creating an email alert for a job), and would like to unsubscribe at any time, please email us at or click on the "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of an email, please email us at 11. Modifications to our Privacy Statement Top AMYKAS reserves the right to update this Privacy Policy at any time, and we will provide notice on our website if we make significant changes. You agree to the amended Privacy Policy if you continue to use our services and/or visit our websites. You should not use or access (or continue to use or access) our services and/or websites if you do not agree to any changes we make. 12. Contact and Legal Information AMYKAS' registered office is located at: AMYKAS, 32 Green Ford Road, ST6 1NX, United Kingdom We will make every attempt to immediately respond to any questions or issues you may have about your privacy. We appreciate all comments, questions, and concerns about how we utilise your personal information (including in relation to transfers of personal information outside the EEA). If you need to contact us, please send an email to or write to Customer Services at the aforementioned address.

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